Information related to educational opportunities, both locally and overseas, will be listed here. We will be gradually developing this resource.
- Short course training 1-6 months.
- Short course training for 1 year.
- Residency Program for 3 years.
- Early Essential Newborn Care training.
- Integrated Management of Childhood Illness training.
- Overseas training opportunities, including short courses and fellowship program opportunities in specialty areas.
- Links to useful websites for further medical education.
- Links to useful websites for ethics approval applications.
- Links to some open-access publication journals and their 'information for authors' webpages with helpful tips on how to submit your article, formatting and referencing.
- Moreover, you can watch or download the Mini-CEX VDOs as well as the Mini-CEX assessment tools such as: Mini-CEX form for year 4 and year6, Mini-CEX guideline and Mini-CEX marking rubric in the resources page.
CME March 2018
ABT smart use (pdf file)
AD (pdf file)
CME agenda (docx file)
Death case from Champasak (pdf file)
Developmental delay (pdf file)
Hemato-oncology (pdf file)
Hypertension (pdf file)
Management of RespFailure (pdf file)
Management of SAM in Cambodia (pdf file)
Morbidity&Mortality @ Mahosot (pdf file)
Mortality in children<5yr (pdf file)
PCV13 (pdf file)
Prevention Mother to Child transmission of HIV (pdf file)
Rational use of blood component (pdf file)
Shock in neonate (pdf file)
SJS/TEN (pdf file)
Update vaccination (pdf file)
Ventilator-associate pneumonia (pdf file)
Dr. Ampphayvanh DKA (pdf file)
Dr. Khamphouvanh Typhoid fever (pdf file)
Dr. Kongkham CPAP (pdf file)
Dr. Kongkham mechanical ventilation ( mechanical ventilation file)
Dr. Kongkham Protocol sedation with mechanical ventilation ( kongkham protocol_ sedation with mechanical ventilation file)
Dr. Kongkham sedation (pdf file)
Dr. Kongkham sedation with mechanical ventilation (pdf file)
Dr. Ladavanh Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care (pdf file)
Dr. Sonephet ITP (pdf file)
Dr. Sonephet Leukemia (pdf file)
Dr. Xayavong. Foreign body aspiration (pdf file)
Dr. Xayavong. Poisoning (pdf file)
Answer 1 for Mini-CEX Form Yr 4 (pdf file)
Answer 2 for Mini-CEX Form Yr 4 (pdf file)
Answer 3 for Mini-CEX Form Yr 6 (pdf file)
Example 1 for Mini-CEX Form Yr 4 (pdf file)
Example 2 for Mini-CEX Form Yr 4 (pdf file)
Example 3 for Mini-CEX Form Yr 6 (pdf file)
Mini-CEX Form for Yr 4 (pdf file)
Mini-CEX Form for Yr 6 (pdf file)
Mini-CEX Guideline (pdf file)
Mini-CEX Marking rubric guideline (pdf file)
Overall marks for Mini-CEX Form Yr 4 (pdf file)
Neonatal Resuscitation
Laos Flowchart (pdf file)
Neonatal resuscitation Part 1 (pptx file)
Neonatal resuscitation Part 2 (pptx file)
Neonatal resuscitation Part 3 (pptx file)
Neonatal resuscitation Part 4 (pptx file)
Neonatal resuscitation Part 5 (pptx file)
Neonatal resuscitation Part 6 (pptx file)
Neonatal resuscitation Part 7 (pptx file)
Neonatal resuscitation Part 8 (pptx file)
Neonatal resuscitation Part 9 (pptx file)
Resuscitation of preterm baby (pptx file)
Special conditions (pptx file)
Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation 7ed ( file)